The Civil War

“Good people will do their best, bad people will do their worst, but if you want good people to do their worst you’re going to need government.” ~Christopher Hitchens

Can you imagine visiting your brother at his home one day, having dinner with him and his family, and then trying to kill him the next day for no reason other than someone—a stranger at that—from the government told you to? And when you ask why, you’re told because he lives on the other side of an invisible political line called a border and the government has decided to war with those people over there. Having chosen to live on that side of the line years before makes your brother an enemy of the State. Refusing to engage him in battle will be seen as treason punishable by death. Did you get all that? Agree to go to try and kill your brother or we’ll kill you. That was what the history books call the Civil War. If you think it sounds insane you’re correct. It’s more of the worst of humanity. Good people who had nothing against one another going to war because they were more afraid of what the government would do to them than they were of being killed on the battlefield. At least on the battlefield they stood a chance.

Like the imaginary Revolutionary War, there never was a civil war either. Government school revisionist history calls it a “Civil War” in an effort to deflect blame away from Abraham Lincoln and the State and make it appear that Americans were mad at each other and decided to attack one another because they had nothing better to do, I guess. Specifically, that the Americans in the northern states were humble, peace loving, god-fearing Americans who wanted to end slavery and those in the south were racist, evil, slave owners who wanted to keep their slaves. You ready for this? The Civil War had nothing to do with ending slavery. In a letter to Horace Greeley Lincoln famously wrote:
“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it” ~ Abraham Lincoln 1862
Another lie down the drain: Lincoln was not the great emancipator. He was a politician like every politician in the history of politics and every decision he made was for political expedience and to maximize his political capital. The concept of a socially conscience President is all just part of the program. Lincoln also considered exporting former slaves to British colonies in the Caribbean after the war. They did what they called a “test” by exporting 450 former slaves—I don’t think “former slaves” means what they thought it meant—to Haiti, where most died of small pox and starvation.

The truth about what history calls the Civil War is that it was the United States of America’s first international war of aggression. A number of the State governments decided to declare their independence from the United States of America and create a new country called the Confederated States of America. Just like the “Founding Fathers” did in 1776 when they declared their independence from King George. And just like King George, Lincoln didn’t like it so he declared war against them. Rinse and repeat. Starting to see a pattern in government behavior regardless which government it is?

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