"We have nothing to do with the laws, it's the voters whose expectations we have to fulfill.” ~EU Foreign Minister
In nature there are many laws and they are things that are a natural part of the physical world around us so they must be obeyed, we have no choice. They are the law of gravity, the law of thermodynamics, the law of aerodynamics, and any other natural phenomenon that have been discovered to be a part of the world around us. These natural laws enforce themselves without prejudice or compassion. Jump off a roof and gravity will laugh at you when you bust your ass on the ground. Get enough air speed and lift will be created under a wing. Open an oven and the heat will come rushing out.
What the government calls laws are not laws at all. They are not a natural part of the world around us, they do not have to be obeyed; that’s why they require third party enforcement with guns. There’s one certain way to tell if something is a law or not. If it requires enforcement with guys with guns it’s not a law, it’s just somebody’s rules that they want to force you to obey. Government laws are nothing but the will of politicians, influenced by political bribery. They are irrelevant, a fantasy land created by the worst of humanity to control people and enrich themselves.
The government calls their rules ”laws” in order to give the psychological impression that they are unquestionable, you must obey them, that you have no choice. That they are as natural a part of life as gravity, they’re not. Their laws are just words on a piece of paper that the government wants you to obey for no reason other than they say so. The politicians write them and then pass them down to the enforcers to force on you without prejudice or compassion.
They’ll tell you that they are “our” laws as if “we the people” wrote them, everybody agreed upon them, so you must obey them or else you are going against the will of the people. I don’t know anyone who ever wrote a single “law.” I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who ever wrote a single “law.” I don’t think “our laws” means what they think it means.
Some will argue that government laws are the price we pay for a civilized society. As if the will of politicians, complete strangers with a long and dubious history of lying, conniving, and corruption can determine the morality of the man. A moral man is a moral man despite the government’s laws, not because of them. An immoral man is an immoral man regardless of the government’s laws. In either case, their laws have nothing to do with a civilized society; the people do.
The morally bankrupt who turns to the government’s laws for his moral compass is a dangerous man and not a man to be trusted. He’s the man who would have returned runaway slaves to their rightful owners because it was the law. Even if it meant he had to injure or kill the slave in order to do so. The law is the law! He’s the man who would have called the police on his neighbor for drinking a beer during prohibition because it was the law. Even if it meant his peaceful, hardworking neighbor went to jail, lost his job and family because of it. The law is the law! He’s the one who would have called the police on Rosa Parks for sitting in the front of the bus because it was Jim Crow law. Those negroes ought to know their place. The law is the law!
Everything the Communists did was the law, everything the Nazis did was the law, slavery was the law. Every egregious act any state has ever committed against mankind was the law. What in god’s name do the government’s laws have to do with anything moral, decent, humane, or just? And if it’s not moral, decent, humane, or just why do we care? It’s irrelevant.
Some will argue that the government’s laws protect you. Seems to me that rape, stealing, and murder have been against the law for a long, long time and yet the USA is one of the most crime ridden countries on the planet in all three categories. Don’t take my word for it though, test it for yourself. The next time someone tries to rob or rape you, show them the law and see if the criminal changes his mind, apologizes, and leaves. Depending on the law to protect you will get you killed.
In all cases the government’s laws turn good people into criminals, create more crime, or their enforcement is the crime. Prohibition laws of the 1920’s turned good people who just wanted to drink a beer into criminals and created the organized crime of the era. Organized crime only exists to provide what the government prohibits and it created Al Capone, Joe Bonanno, and Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll and all the violence that came with them. All the while politicians were drinking all the alcohol they wanted right in Washington, DC. Prohibition lasted until 1933. A decade of crime, destruction, and governmental abuse of peaceful people. Prohibition made criminals of good people, rich men of criminals, while the politicians lived the high life off of bribes from the mob bosses they created. How very civilized indeed. Rinse and repeat.
The government’s laws are nothing but a legal form of extortion, theft, and control. Consider one of the most egregious violations of one’s most basic human rights: DUI laws. DUI laws, and all prior restraint laws, are an exercise in mental idiocy and ignorance and the useful idiots and programmable tools act as if it makes perfect sense. First is the most glaring fact about drinking and driving: tens of millions of people drink and drive every day, even more on the weekends, and yet they get home just fine. More people die every year from diarrhea and the common flu than car accidents of any kind. Secondly is the fallacy of correlation and causation. If someone has BAC of .00 and causes an accident, then they look for any other reason to blame the accident on. If he has BAC of .08 or more, then any further examination is immediately abandoned and the cause of the accident is determined to be alcohol, whether that's true or not. This conveniently and erroneously stacks the stats in favor of DUI “laws.” Thirdly is the fallacy of guilt by association. Someone in the past caused an accident after drinking, therefore if you drink you too will cause an accident. One person's actions have absolutely nothing to do with anybody else's.
The most nefarious aspect about such “laws” is that they punish people for doing something wrong before they've done anything wrong with the justification that it will prevent them from doing something wrong. It's pre-crime as depicted in the film Minority Report. Think about that shit for a minute. Government laws resemble science fiction! The BAC is an arbitrary value that has changed many times over the years at the whims of the bureaucrats. And yet these laws for doing nothing wrong can and do ruin people's lives every day. Are you seeing how the government’s laws civilize society yet? What am I missing?
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