
“If voting changed anything, it’d be illegal” ~Emma Goldman

Voting takes the power from the government and puts it in the hands of the people, right? No, but thanks for playing. Voting is the carrot in front of the jackass’ nose pulling the wagon of ignorance. It’s the illusion that your voice matters, it doesn’t. It’s the illusion that the government is the people, it’s not. What’s called voting isn’t voting at all. It’s the government asking for your preference as to which one of their guys you prefer and maybe they’ll take your preference into consideration but probably not.

First of all is the arithmetic, it just doesn’t add up. The only vote that matters is the deciding vote and you have a better chance of winning the lottery multiple times than your vote being the decider.

Let’s say ten people are voting on something and nine vote in favor and one opposed. What if the one opposed didn’t vote at all, would it change the outcome? No. What if seven out of the nine that voted in favor didn’t vote? Would that change the outcome? No. Now multiply everything by millions and you see your vote simply doesn’t matter regardless what a lifetime of political rhetoric has convinced you. You’re a single voice screaming in a crowd of millions and nobody can hear you—nor would it matter if they could.

Secondly is the bias associated with any election. The election is organized, implemented, and the votes counted by the same people you’re voting for. What could go wrong? You can only vote on the day you are told, at the location you are given, for the candidates and issues you are presented with. Hardly a “free” and “fair” vote now is it? This doesn’t take into account voter fraud which is rampant in any election and the legal shenanigans in counting the votes and announcing the results. Like in the 2000 presidential election when the governor of Florida announced the winner before the votes were even finished being counted.

And regardless how much voter fraud is verified, what legal shenanigans are exposed, or how few people vote, there will always be a winner declared. In every election for the last 50 years there has been voter fraud, election irregularities and only about half the voting age population voted—meaning no one has ever gotten a majority of the votes, ever. Yet someone is always declared the winner. Seems that the voter fraud alone should disqualify the election, but nope. Seems any election improprieties should too, but nope. Seems when half the population votes “None of the Above” that would disqualify the election as well, but nope. The government must go on at all costs, even at the cost of our freedom.

We’re told that society has to be governed because individuals aren’t capable of governing themselves. But somehow some of those that aren’t capable of governing themselves are capable of governing everyone? And the rest of those who aren’t capable of governing themselves are capable of deciding which among them is capable of governing everyone? Where’s the sense in any of that? Ask someone why they voted for Barack Obama and they’re likely to say because he’s black, a racial decision. Ask someone why they voted for Hillary and they’re likely to say because she is a woman, a feminine decision. Ask someone why they voted for Trump and they’re likely to say because he’s a businessman, a business decision. Voter preferences are arbitrary nonsense. Comedian Dough Stanhope said he voted for Gary Johnson because he follows him on Twitter. There’s no reason, rational thought, logic, or common sense to voter preferences—so what’s the point?

Lastly is the morality of voting. If something is immoral before a vote is taken, the vote doesn’t magically make it moral and okay. Imagine a pretty girl walking down the sidewalk. Obviously it’s wrong, immoral for a gang of men to rape her. But what if they vote on it? What if a majority of the men vote to jump her? Does it make it okay, moral? No, of course not. A majority vote is just the majority violating the rights of the minority, enslaving the minority to their will. But the supposed greatness of democracy is founded in this idea of majority rule. It says nothing about the morality of what the majority wants. It never considers the rights of the minority. Government is considered a necessary evil without ever acknowledging that it’s still an evil. It’s nothing more than mob rule writ large.

A lot of people like to try and excuse and justify voting by saying that if you don’t vote then you can’t complain about what the politicians do. Think about how utterly childish and ignorant that sentiment is. So if I didn’t vote in the Gambino family elections for mob boss, I can’t complain when they extort my neighborhood for protection money? Now replace Gambino family with “government,” mob boss with “President,” and extort with “tax” and you see my point.

If I didn’t vote for any of the politicians in the government because I didn’t want anyone ruling me and those politicians decide to raise taxes (again), I can’t complain about that? How is it I can’t complain about a bunch of complete strangers with a long and dubious history of fraud, waste, scandal, and abuse who I want nothing to do with, forcing their will on me? How is that any different than the Gambino family? I specifically made it clear I didn’t want anything to do with them by not participating in their mob-like elections. I made it clear I wanted them to just leave me alone. The voters are the ones who asked for it and they got it. The voters are the ones who have no right to complain. They got exactly what they voted for.

The truth is that those who don’t vote are in fact voting, they’re just not voting at the ballot box. They’re voting with their absence from it. They are voting for “None of the Above,” they are voting for “No One.” They refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils because it’s still an evil. They refuse to accept that government is a necessary evil; evil is never necessary. But the election boards don’t count the votes for “No One” because they’re not “official.” There is no option on the ballot for “No One,” so the will of those people can simply be ignored even though “No One” has been the clear winner in every presidential election in my lifetime. All just part of the illusion.

If a politician does something that you agree with then it's by coincidence not by design. His first allegiance is to the party, the state and his political capital. Voters are just the excuse for what they do, not the reason. So if you're mad again about the lying, corrupt politicians in office and think voting for new people is the solution, then ask yourself how did those lying, corrupt politicians that you want out get in there in the first place? If you’re honest, the answer is voting! Rinse and repeat.

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