Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Law is The Law! But what does that REALLY mean?

“Just as everyone in a tribe praying to a volcano god would reinforce the idea that there is a volcano god, so begging politicians for favors reinforces the idea that there is a rightful ruling class, that their commands are "law," and that obedience to such "laws" is a moral imperative.”

Illegal immigration is one of several issues that has recently divided this country. This division seems to be more associated to political affiliation than to right-wrong morality.

It was only a generation ago when "illegal" immigration was raised as a concern for President Clinton. Therefore, the issue is not one of partisanship but one of statism itself.

While "gravity" is an indisputable law of nature, "laws" expressed by government leaders are commandments created by men who call themselves "government." 

Do we really need man-made "laws" for humans to know right from wrong? If all man-made laws were abolished today, would everyone all of a sudden not know the difference between good and evil?

Of course not. So what is the real purpose of man-made "laws?" Who do they really serve? And how are individuals who comprise a society convinced that those man-made "laws" are sacred and need to be obeyed?

Don Cooper, author of Ninety-Nine Percent, begins to explain the dark nature of man-made "laws:"
"The government calls their rules ”laws” in order to give the psychological impression that they are unquestionable, you must obey them, that you have no choice." 
In a recent Facebook post Don, underscored this key principle in his chapter about "laws" as it relates to "illegal" immigration:

Patriot: We have laws and a legal way to come into our country.

Individual: "We?" Who is "we?" 

Patriot: The politicians write their rules and call them laws. Then millions upon millions of Americans disagree with their rules but there's nothing we can do about it.

Individual: "We" have nothing to do with it.

Patriot: What, just open borders?

Individual: Yes, why not? What are you afraid of? The only argument for closed borders is "the law is the law!" Slavery was the law too. I guess runaway slaves should have gained their freedom legally? After all we had laws and a legal way to escape slavery.

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